Friday, November 2, 2007


myLot User Profile


lilyruth said...

I hoined click fopr cash and also NIche I clicked them here through your banners. So you could get credit for it ans ome money Listen do me a favor and go to my blog and click on the Smorty Post button I have on there you get paid for posting about some bodys products or casinos or place its real easy and for a post you can mke 6.00 or even up to 50.00 it depends on the posts that you choose to write about you get to choose the posts you want to write about so its easy to post abbout those advertisers. Click and join Smorty post through one of my blogs and check it out and this way I can also get credit for the rferral O.K.? its really easy and you will have about four days after you choose what advertiser you want to write about to finish your post this way you can think about what yu want to write. its Smorty post buttons and banners you will see them on my blogs. let me know??

lilyruth said...

I meant to say I clicked your banners and joined clicks for cash and Niche and also clicked an xtra banner. check it out I gave you the referrals.